Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Short Introduction

My name is Jack, and I used to be Mormon. I stopped attending church meetings almost two years ago, and took my name off the records a year ago. I was devoutly Mormon while Mormon, and had a great interest in all things Mormon. I guess things don't change that much, because I am still greatly interested in where I come from, and what I was (and wasn't) taught.

I have enrolled in two LDS institute classes at my local university, “Church History: Joseph Smith to Martyrdom”, and “Book of Mormon (1 Nephi- Alma 49): Doctrines & Evidences”. These two subjects (evidences of the BoM and early church history) still intrigue me.

You may echo Elder Neal A. Maxwell's (a late apostle of the LDS church) frustration: they can leave the church, but they can't leave it alone. He's referring to the veracity with which many ex-Mormons “attack” the LDS church's doctrines and history. Why do I spend my time on things that don't affect me anymore? Honestly, what more of an answer do I need than that this is understandably interesting to me.

1 comment:

  1. Jack,

    Stop and don't stop it. I hear ya brother - I'm a Jack Mormon 40 years long save a respit when my children were young. Here's the deal... keep studying. It took my first wife's death, and around 30 quantum physics books, prayer and more prayer for me to find God. He's there waiting for you to invite him in. There are physical laws and scriptual laws why you must seek him out. If you look around the web you'll find all kinds of evil wanting to direct you away from God. I di dthat today. WOW! Who knew? Satan has a strong grip on the hearts and minds of people these days. Look at the state of the USA. That's evidence in my book. I'd love to share what I learned/believe with you if you're interested. It can be dreary without a spiritual father. I know.
